It Is Amazing That We Exist

by: Gabrielle Scout

It is amazing how complex life is. How we are all individuals with massively tangled and bright and illuminated worlds within the confines of our skull and the cages of our lungs.

It is amazing how, despite pain and struggle and challenges, we all rise each morning, interacting and co-mingling and collaborating. How the pieces all fit together even when they don’t. How relationships continue on despite separate biological, emotional, subconscious, and physical needs clashing at any given moment.

It is amazing how I finished Pride & Prejudice last night, written by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. Do you think she could conceptualize that two-hundred years later, our world today would still be devouring and revering her work? Do you think she could conceptualize that not only is a woman in her thirties who is a mom and business owner reading her words in 2024, but that our society has made movies on her books? That movies exist? That her words have stood the test of time through massive technological advances? Do you think she would believe it?

It is amazing how we have children. How the body swiftly like a synchronized ballet dances through the growth of an embryo to a fetus to a baby. It is amazing how that growth takes no conscious effort on our part. It is amazing that women just do this, as if growing a human being is the most natural thing in the world, because it is.

It is amazing that despite social conditioning, early childhood trauma, and limiting beliefs, many of us break free. It is amazing that, yes, while the addiction is becoming more prominent, the digital world allows us to connect regardless of geographical location within less than a second.

It is amazing that subcultures exist. There is the culinary world, the fashion world, the model toy train world, the artisan coffee world, the comic book world, the marine biology world, the rock climbing world.

And then you think of neighborhoods and how they are planed from a zoning perspective. The suburbs or any arrondissement in Paris. Built on square grids, perfectly proportioned and executed, or on winding curved roads, stacked with the past remnants of lovers and fighters and neighbors.

It is amazing that we even know of history: of the ancient Egyptians, ancient Greeks, ancient Romans. That we know of Mesopotamia times. That we read the words of those written hundreds of years ago. That we visit the sites built by those hundreds of years ago.

It is amazing that humans have such a reservoir to persevere. That even when we believe we cannot, we in fact can and do. That if alchemized properly, we create big and beautiful things. That despite all of the individual wirings, we work together to create societies and art and community. That even amidst our isolation, the grocery stores exist as a communal gathering point.

It is amazing that we transcend through meditation, that we are conscious of our existence here on this planet, that we create, buy, and wear beautiful things, that we value art, that we love to build, that we know that being here is special – hard, but special.

I imagine everyone walking around in their own bubble of aura. Each person’s field has tens of thousands of thoughts hitting within creating immense energy with each sentiment. Each person’s field has layers and layers of emotion that is ebbing and flowing. Each person’s field has an inner narrative that we will never be able to witness or understand or listen to fully. I imagine there are worlds within worlds within us. From the cells to our biology to our thoughts to our emotions to our subconscious. All of these worlds just in each of us. In one person.

And then there is the outside world.

It is amazing that we exist. It is just amazing that we exist. And that we get to witness that existence. Breathe into that existence. Tap into that existence.

It is amazing that we exist.


***Featured Photo: Painting by Cy Twombly

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