How to Be an Interesting Woman


The interesting woman has high standards for her life – for the quality of food she eats, the level of content she consumes, the individuals she maintains relationships with, the clothing that she purchases, the things she chooses to speak out loud. At the core of her decisions, her material goods, her ever-evolving thoughts, her consumption is and will always be cultural luxury.

An interesting woman is always well-read, well-traveled, and well-sourced. She is deeply connected to her inner voice and romanticizes the banalities of existence. Commonly seen at dinner parties – but never too late! – she is expressive, emotive, and engaging. The interesting woman offers depth within conversation while also appreciating the finer things in life. Independent, fiercely alluring, and intellectual with a touch of demureness, the interesting woman dabbles in both the worlds of beauty and poetry; the worlds of art and business. The lens of approval in which she filters her life through is based upon the following questions: Is the subject matter at hand inspiring and if so, does it also evoke the overwhelming sensation and take the rare form of beauty? This simultaneously makes her both an interesting woman and a romantic. 

She awakes refreshed, reads the REVUE newsletter over her morning hot drink of choice (if not black coffee then most certainly a matcha). She might meditate, perhaps she moves her body. Her inner dialogue is kind, uplifting, generous with a foundation of spirituality. She seeks to create – actively and swiftly – with intention and inspiration; Whether her creations are her wardrobe, her community, her art, her family, or her business. For the interesting woman is always a fingertip away from breathing life into a new form. 

The interesting woman used to feel without definition or borders. Many times in the past, those emotions would spill through the outline of her being – onto others, into others, over others. She has since matured, healed, understood. The interesting woman today knows that her emotions are her guiding compass and yet she knows how to tend to them in a way that propels her forward, not derailing her into a deep abyss. Today, she can look at a potent piece of art hanging at a gallery or read a short but punchy poem and feel it throw a lightning bolt into her chest! And then, she can walk away and take with her only the inspiration in which it evoked, only the transformation in which it enabled, only the key ingredient that swallowed her whole in that moment. She knows how to feel fully while also living her life. 

The interesting woman reveres the power of a culturally-defining novel, enveloping herself in the artistry of prose, while also honoring the awareness that comes from non-fiction. A blend of both – of artistry and of bettering herself – the interesting woman understands that creativity and self-development can exist within one soul. That the suffering artist does not need to be present. That the over-productive business woman does not need to be alone.That they can, in fact, be wonderful friends within.

She is well-manicured and knows the boundaries of beauty and wellness; always opting in for the minimalistic foundations, not the excess. The interesting woman embraces her physical vessel; falling in love externally and internally; setting up pampering, daily routines from skincare to movement to meditation. She knows to fill her cup first.

The interesting woman looks out onto life and sees beauty – alluring, intoxicating, and ravishing beauty. The interesting woman looks out onto life and sees intellect – stimulating, inspiring, and progressive intellect. The interesting woman looks out onto life and sees a building – she, the architect, the colors, the shapes, the pathways, the decor, her life’s biggest dream. The interesting woman actualizes that dream.


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