Books That Will Aid You in Your Becoming


Within the pages of a freshly printed book lies worlds upon worlds that if chosen properly can have a tremendously profound effect on our lives. When speaking of mental health, self-development, and progression within our own circumstances, there are many therapeutic tools and modalities to help heal, empower, and transform you. However, there is always that one tiny in presence yet large in impact object that can do the trick faster than any therapy session or acupuncture treatment.

And that is books.

In reading books that are written by individuals with high levels of expertise in specific areas relating to your becoming, you are receiving high level information at a low level cost. From different perspectives to research conducted to synthesized philosophies from denser texts, books allow you to walk down your own path with the strength of different foundations.

So if you are working on yourself, looking to improve certain aspects of your life, or simply want to reconnect with your inner fulfillment, here are the books that will aid you in your becoming.

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

This book is the basis foundation for understanding and priming your thoughts to work for you and not against you. Louise Hays so simply articulates the power of the mind, the power of our thoughts, and the power that we possess when we are creating our live each and everyday. For the beginning who is ready to become conscious of how that hamster wheel within the confines of your head can be used towards your greatest outcome.

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MANIFEST by Roxie Nafousi

For the manifestation beginner – or those that need a brush up – Roxie’s book is not only approachable but also aesthetically desirable, making it a win-win for us. Roxie so eloquently and succinctly breaks down the steps of manifesting so that you too can begin to transform your life. For the woo-woo skeptical, this is your entry into architecting your dream life on your own accord.

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Be Your Future Self Now by Benjamin Hardy

Within these pages you will learn the tools to access your future self and learn how to make decisions based upon what your future self desires, is living out, and needs from you in the present moment. Bringing together research and lived experience, Benjamin Hardy coins this book as The Science of Intentional Transformation.

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The Tools by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels

You might know of Phil Stutz as Jonah Hill’s therapist in the documentary Stutz. What is so beautiful is that you get Phil Stutz’s expertise within the 289 pages of his book. This book guides those that want to understand the tools that therapists are trained in and implement with their patients. You walk away with applicable steps to activate within your own life. Years of therapy knowledge in one book.

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Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

A dense read – more similar to a textbook but rich in daily knowledge – this book is one of those staples that shows you what is truly possible as a human being in this lifetime. How, through the power of visualization and meditation, you can create massive transformation in your health, wellbeing, and physical life. Knowing these possibilities exist is the first step to creating them within your own life.

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