



The Salon


How to Be an Interesting Woman

How to Be an Interesting Woman by: REVUE EDITORIAL The interesting woman has high standards for her life – for the quality of food she eats, the level of content she consumes, the individuals she maintains relationships with, the clothing that she purchases, the things she chooses to speak out loud. At the core of […]

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Hotel Spotlight: Casa Monti

Casa Monti: Rome’s Artist’s Residence by: REVUE EDITORIAL Color. Poetry. Artistry. Rome. These are the four words that encapsulate Casa Monti, a boutique gem in the most charming of Rome’s neighborhoods designed by AD100 maximalist Laura Gonzalez, otherwise known as the Queen of color. Infusing the sense of a neighborhood community, vibrant artistic expression, and […]

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Beauty Products for a Makeup-less Summer Vacation

For the quintessential summer vacation – think drops of humid dew on the tip of your nose, sun-kissed cheeks, an expanding ocean landscape, and a je ne seais quoi hair do – your beauty routine must nourish rather than enhance. After all, who can wear foundation on a humid, mid-July night? When one travels to […]

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How to Heal Your Trauma Somatically

“Trauma shows up in the body because the natural stress response cycle is interrupted. This is what causes trauma.” – Ali Kates We have all found ourselves hitting our heads against a wall. Stuck within the logic, the psychological explanation, the loop of talking and talking and talking about it. We are enlightened – having […]

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This Palazzo Is the Answer to Your Romantic Dreams

It is easy to enter into a state of transfixed awe when you come across the photos and videos of Palazzo Daniele. Imagine sprawling vines, the Italian countryside, manicured pools, mosaic flooring, aristocratic details juxtaposed against contemporary art, and walks through endless olive groves. Palazzo Daniele is a 163 years old property and as a […]

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5 Poetry Books to Bring You Back to Prose

Charles Bukowski said, “Poetry is what happens when nothing else can.” In that statement, poetry is our last resort, the big guns, the form of communication that saves us when all else fails. In that statement, poetry is our truest form of expression, the most poignant way of assembling letters and words, the truest descriptions […]

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