



The Salon

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5 Poetry Books to Bring You Back to Prose

Charles Bukowski said, “Poetry is what happens when nothing else can.” In that statement, poetry is our last resort, the big guns, the form of communication that saves us when all else fails. In that statement, poetry is our truest form of expression, the most poignant way of assembling letters and words, the truest descriptions […]

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I Feel Far Away From History

I feel far away from history. I feel young and yet the vintage come-backs are those that I grew up in, around, and with. I feel as if the last ten years have taken me captive; placed me into tunnel vision where nothing exists beyond the current state of affairs. I feel as if digital […]

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Father’s Day Gift Guide 2024

For the fathers in our lives: the ones who parented us and the ones who parent our little ones. There are two most formative fatherly relationships. Our direct fathers and watching our significant others become fathers. Little needs to occur for our heart to swell. All you have to do is watch a father being […]

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Poignant Memoir-Style Books by Women

There is something about reading the direct words of a woman; the direct words of a woman telling her story. It is, perhaps, the most intimate lens into the psyche, the processes, the pain, and the purpose of a woman we admire. It is the power of a memoir. Not second hand words. No third […]

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Mother’s Day Gift Guide 2024

The identity of a mother is one that deeply alters, evolves, and fundamentally transforms a woman’s life. Her ability to create life – to give life and to raise life – is a magic we will spiritually forever be in awe over. There are the physical things mothers do that we can all see: feeding […]

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C.Z. Guest: Icon Facts

“What’s wrong with women inspiring others to higher standards?” C.Z. Guest The buffet of culturally iconic facts around C.Z. Guest’s life would make any creative archeologist’s eyes widen. These are the types of gems that make up the biography of her life: For all intensive purposes, she was the socialite of socialites – and the […]

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